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3.85 AI update log:

- Now select Slayers probability of 1/6 of the ID becomes "love can Lily" in appreciation of their contribution to make IMBA
- Now life lessons are no longer able to release Roshan
- Poison Nova no longer be able to Roshan onset
The source of the pain:
- Weakness effect modification, now revised to reduce the target the 50/100/150/200 point attack and spell power - pitting brain will no longer reduce the upper limit of the target's health, values ​​adjusted to 200/300/400/500 - pitting brain longer able to release on Roshan - the nightmare effect depending on the target, if the target is friendly, were attacked contagious nightmare to the source of attack, if the target for the enemy, then woke up that damage increased by 50% / 75 % / 100% / 125%
- Nightmare duration is fixed at 7 seconds, hurt adjust 20/30/40/50 points / sec, casting distance is fixed at 700 yds
Bounty Hunter:
- Throwing darts cooling time decreased from 10 seconds to 7 seconds, mana cost decreased from 90/115/135/155 to 90 points - throwing darts dizziness time increased to 0.5 seconds from 0.01 seconds - throwing darts damage type changed from spell damage physical injury, damage values ​​adjusted from 100/200/250/325 to 200/300/400/500 points - throwing darts hook lock caster will pull the target to the darts hit location, rather fixed pull caster - throwing darts skills can be cast on magic immune target - tracking technique cast range increased from 750/950/1150 to 950/1200/1450
Gryphon Rider:
- The cast stormhammer distance from 800 yards to 1100 yards - anode attached attacks speed increased from 40% / 60% / 80% / 100% 80% / 120% / 160% / 200% trigger lightning damage the 30/40/50/60 to improve 45/60/75/90 - the thunder cast range from 1150 yards to 1300 yards, the effective radius increased from 350 yards to 425 yards - fix the force field of negative charge will not properly reduce target 20% movement speed
Shadow Fiend:
- The destruction of the shadow of the cooling time decreased from 10 seconds to 7 seconds, damage increased from 130/220/310/400 180/270/360/450 point - when you learn the soul of the elegy, after your death to escape the evil spirits half will be additional conversion time ignoring the cooling time soul elegy effect
- Re-design a barren skills
Shadow Priest:
- Re-design skills of highly toxic Touch effect - Weaving the first armor lowering / lifting effect from 4/6/8 (the equipment A stick after 6/8/10) point (the original fixed 1:00 start)
- Venom Spit effective range increased from 75 yards to 325 yards effective of all enemy units (including construction and guarding machinery units)
- Exclude - viper raid cooling time decreased from 80/50/30 to 40/35/30 seconds after each trigger Venom Spit will cause permanent leaked a unit group
Soul Guard:
- Agility growth increased from 3.2 to 4.0
- Of soul reflection of casting range from 600 yards to 750 yards - soul inspire the soul guards its phantom units will improve 15/30/45/60 attack speed
Death Prophet:
- Driven by evil spirits duration increased from 30 to 40 seconds, the number of evil spirits increased from 9/16/23 to 12/20/28
Faceless Void:
- Base Strength increased from 25 to 29 Strength growth increased from 2.4 to 2.8
- Base Agility increased from 21 to 25, Agility growth increased from 3.1 to 3.7
- Base Attack interval decreased from 1.7 to 1.65
- Time enchantment duration increased from 3 (4) / 4 (5) / 5 (6) 3 (5) / 4 (6) / 5 (7) seconds
Pit Lord:
- Firestorm cast range from 1000 yards to 1100 yards, cooling time decreased from 14 seconds to 11 seconds - and the resentment of the abyss now makes the target lose the ability to attack and is no longer reduce attack speed
Moon Knight:
- Blessing of the month in the night no longer reduce physical damage, but to make you attack distance increased from 330 yards to 625 yards, and the moonlight comes with the dizziness temporarily increased from 0.1 seconds to 1/1.2/1.4/1.6 seconds - The month of blessings that came with remote attack power from 20/30/40/50 raised for 30/45/60/75 - lunar eclipse will correct the early termination of the effect of the dark time of the dark devil
The half-human, Mammoth:
- Empower a whole new skill original wild instead
Templar Assassin:
- Refractive effect of increased attack power from "Improving 80/120/160/200 attack force, the duration of each attack consume this effect 20 attack force" to "under 3/6/9/12 attack 80 / 100/120/140 attack force "
- By attacking from the occult status, you figure there will be from completely transparent to completely process - the spiritual energy of the edge effect changed from diffusion attack damage to the proliferation of attacks, equivalent to meet the judgment of the goals behind all within attack can trigger attacks effects caused by the unit time is equivalent to the value of your attack power
Phantom Assassin:
- Repair / pick up Aha Slim the Scepter can repeat trigger Fiery Soul effect by discarding
Nerubian Assassin:
- Mana Burn value was adjusted to 25% / 30% / 35% / 40% +200 points cast range from 600 yards to improve 600/700/800/900 yard - now when you are near the enemy heroes, you sneak superimposed layers not reduce, stop only stealthed
- Adjust the violent visual effects - adjust feast of visual effects
Orb effect - furnace wizard is no longer consumes mana - the Ice Wall width restore the original data (no longer raise 3 times), out of the Ice Wall deceleration duration from the fixed one second adjustment Summoner the ice elemental skill level continued 1 to 7 seconds - electromagnetic pulse Mana burning numeric 200/275/350/425/500/575/650 increased from 50/100/150/200/250/300/350/400 to burn mana caused damage increased from 50% to 100%, and now no longer reduce the target's maximum mana not reply within 7 to 19 seconds instead Mana - electromagnetic pulse will burn an extra target Mana value caster intelligence Mana Burn effect of times, this part will not cause harm - Assault hurricane code rewrite and duration increased from 1.5 to 3.3 seconds
- Frost Armour duration was increased from 6 seconds to 12 seconds
Bear Warrior:
- Overpower is no longer available purified
- Now the devil transformed summoned demon spirit initial maximum life from 200/225/225/275 for 400/500/600/700 additional damage caused by the demon spirit body attack improper treatment of caster and improve the spiritual body itself the upper limit to life, while also treating mental body itself
Of Wrath Mage:
- Ancient seal no longer ignore magic immunity - when you Arcane Bolt targeted after death, it will unlock
Undead Dragon:
- Soul Assumption damage active release value changed soul energy Points * 60
- Initial strength was increased from 27 to 35, Strength growth increased from 3.4 to 4.0
- The base damage increased by 20 points
- Fixed raid right questions to make some hero flying height
Priestess of:
- Fixed jump right questions to make some hero flying height
- Fixed by the Curse of the Silent affect ordinary biological release skills will temporarily increase the intelligence value Silencer
Night Assassin:
- Due to some plot, the name changed from Tinna to random Tinna or Sinna
- Extermination stumble instead of of Sinna the skills month round - keen Sinna a deadly skills traction instead - Initial intelligence increased from 14 to 17:00, intellectual growth increased from 1.1 to 1.3
Add a hero passive talent - for the assassins of the Night - keen, the effect is similar to the original skills sharp skill effect and buff icon to the players prompted this skill effect
Night devil:
- Add as passive talent of the dark devil hero a buff prompt, convenient unclear effects players - the dark time right of early termination of the effect of the lunar eclipse of the Moon Knight
- The thermal conductivity of the effective radius of the missile from 2000 yards (actual 2000 yards on the 2500 code instead of text) 1500 yards
Storm Spirit:
- The flight of the ball lightning speed adjustment from 1250/1875/2500 2/3.5/5 times the movement speed of the caster
Two-headed dragon:
- You can now select the hero game - re-design skills to effect
- You can now select the hero game - re-design skills to effect
Just back the beast:
- Temporary shielding to wait for the re-design
Light Guard:
- Temporary shielding to wait for the re-design
- Repair the actual trigger probability is 25% instead of 20% of the problem, repair the trigger lightning damage 120 points instead of 150 points
- Increased attack speed increased from 70 points to 85 points
Magic wand:
- Reduce energy points increase from 16,000 yards for 6000 yards
- Energy points increase range from 5200 yards 16000 yards, the maximum energy points down to 20 points from 9999 points - wand reel price decreased from 150 gold to 50 gold
Yi Xifei ancient ritual:
- Eat tree effect: 175 hit points restored within 20 seconds
Shadow of spirit niches:
- Duration reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds to restore / damage effects increased from 400/200 to 450/250 points - the visual effects used on enemy / friendly
The ancient patience ginger song:
- You can use the number increased from 4 to 5 times
Katja's insight into the pipe:
- Duration increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds, cooldown reduced to 40 seconds from 60 seconds
Crystal Sword:
- Trigger the probability from 10% to 17% crit multiplier increased from 1.75 times to 2 times
Ghoul King armbands:
- Switching the cooling time decreased from 10 seconds to 1 second
Trick of fog:
- Use Force stealth will not betray oneself time decreased from 3 seconds to 1 second
Edge injured thorn:
- Remote unit gain armor penetration effect dropped from 6:00 to 4:00
Courage Medal:
- Remote unit gain armor penetration effect dropped from 6:00 to 4:00
Linken Sphere:
- All kinds refresh effect (refresh ball, refilled, etc.) are now able to correct refresh Linken Sphere - adjust Linken Sphere CD mechanism
Sijia Di's eyes:
- Winter effect is no longer the slowing effect will increase your attack power - magic and illusion attacks fell from 30% to 20%
Scattered China:
- Phantom units are no longer able to trigger laceration effect
Casual night of the sword:
- Phantom units are no longer able to trigger laceration effect
Flight messenger:
- Added four new flight messenger model, you summon flying messenger probability summoned to them
Force Staff:
- Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds
Linken Sphere:
- Fixed a the Linken ball falling - Fixed Linken the ball rebounded flame detonation incorrect
- Roshan is no longer influenced by the effect of most of the deceleration class
- Fix non-BOSS mode under certain AI still has the effect of BOSS skills - modify the AI ​​for flashing and magic-free processing mechanism - BOSS mode any magic immune units near the AI ​​will be repelled - BOSS mode AI to write a set of terrain or other factors prevent jammed mechanism - installed and skills set out release mechanism designed for shadow magic - Earth Spirit joined BOSS ranks - Open CE or BOSS mode, not meat hook may hit AI hero - repair Chaos Knight summoned avatar only fixed to summon a problem - a common set of loading sequence libraries written without a loaded set of AI, even if the future new hero is also in accordance with the set a loaded library is installed - before'll the wrong attempts synthetic Arcane Ring or Macon AI original out loading sequence have been deleted, will be temporarily installed in accordance with the common attire library out, until the completion of its separate out loading order - fix the incorrect formula AI trying to synthesize the lost Blade
- Winger Goblin stores no longer sell agile sandals instead of the sale of the vitality of the ball
Random Library:
- Now you can randomly to sin engraving skills - now you can randomly to the stormhammer skills - now you can randomly to the anode skills - now you can randomly to the negative charge force field skills - now you can randomly to the thunder skills - Now you can randomly devoid skills - now you can randomly to Shadow Word · off skills - now you can randomly to ancient seal skills - now you can be random to the the polar frost tide skills - now you can randomly to freeze the fate of skills - now you can randomly to ice influx Shield skills - Now you can randomly to targeting skills - now you can randomly psionic blade skills - skills in the mode of death is no longer possible to be random to (for example, the month of blessings, targeting psionic blade)
Players command:
- Now you can enter in the game to make you a hero-dance dancing (temporarily only supports butcher, shadow magic and Lucifer)
Mega mode:
- Haunt Add Mega effects (refraction: each time by 20% to 80% of the damage will refract surrounding enemy units within 3500 yds)
- Mega effect added for the Skeleton King (rebirth: Every time you kill a unit will immediately refresh the cooldown of your rebirth)
- Add shadow magic effect of a Mega (disposable Necro: the soul no upper limit to the number of)
- Add a new achievement: [output tons of damage! ]
- Added a new achievement: Felisaz the combat effectiveness of detectors ringing off the hook! ]
- Added a new achievement: [5 offscum combat effectiveness]
- Modify the immortal determine condition, simply hang up now and no longer make you gain this achievement
- Add a hidden Easter egg
Guards defensive mode:
The experience - the natural disasters hero 10 minutes ago every 0.8 seconds from 4:00 to 5:00, after 10 minutes increased from 6:00 to 8:00 - The number of natural disasters hero every 0.8 seconds wages increased to 6 from 3 gold gold
To accidentally ally mode:
- When you are in a hot spring within your allies no longer see you as hostile, the same, they are no longer hostile forces - is now in the position of the first players before the start of the game within 15 seconds input-ca can also activate this mode
- Repair not immediately destroy their base after a party of players all leave - freeze effect will no longer be wrong to extend the stun effect - to repair the system is not working properly mortality patterns may appear - neutrality biological items out 120% off the chance to improve the original foundation
- Lucky time be able to get the a senior articles probability 250%, slightly increased the probability of which better articles obtained when the When you pumped general items - Fixed a lucky time summon Roshan unit ownership error - fix artifact drop after seizure may appear unusual problem - fix a particular case, you can kill incentive and assists reward - fixed exchange heroes will make you lose your items - repair a part in the SA mode The skill is not working right - Fixed part of the text description of the error or omission

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